Bereavement Ministry
At St. Peter's we have a Bereavement Committee who assists grieving families in planning and preparing for the funeral of their loved ones. For more information please contact the parish office at 250-753-3570, the bereavement ministry coordinator Kathy Fadum.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
This ministry assists to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful. They are Extraordinary Ministers as the Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a bishop, a priest or a deacon (c.f. Code of Canon Law, no. 910).
Training is required to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharistic. The theological foundation of the Liturgy and the "how-to’s" are explained. The volunteer candidates attend an initial training session. For more information contact the office at 250-753-3570.
Those involved in this ministry proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. They may also announce the intentions for the Prayers of the Faithful and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Psalm between the readings.
If you wish to know more about how to be part of this ministry, please speak with Marta Wright , through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Pastoral Health Care Ministry
Following the example of Jesus' own actions, the Christian community strives to break down barriers of isolation felt by those who are sick or dying, to include them as full members of the human community, and to provide hope of an ultimate healing of sin and death. The Church, Christ's body today, does this through visits to hospitals, continuing care and palliative care facilities, senior residences and homes.
The Ministry of Parish Care to the Sick offers sick and home bound parishioners opportunities to stay connected with the Parish and to grow as a Community in Christ through distributing Holy Communion to the sick, and leading Liturgies of the Word in assisted living facilities. If you wish to be a part of this ministry please contact Kathy Fadum, through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Pastoral Care to the Sick
If you know a parishioner who is sick or in need of pastoral visits, please make him/her aware of this service.
Our pastor is available to visit the sick in any hospital, assisted living home or private home. Our seriously sick parishioners may request the Sacrament of the Sick. Please contact the parish office for this at 250-753-3570.
Sacristans diligently arrange the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things that are necessary for the celebration of Mass. If you wish to know more about how to be part of this ministry, please contact the office at 250-753-3570
Altar Servers
This ministry is meant for service at the altar by assisting the priest and deacon. The service rendered by the Altar Server includes carrying the incense, the processional Cross, and the candles during the procession, holding the Roman Missal for the priest when needed, and preparing the altar during the Offertory.
If you wish to know more about how to be part of this ministry, please contact the office at 250-753-3570.
Children's Religious Education
St. Peter's Religious Education for Children help guide a child's spiritual growth as they prepare for their sacraments through a 2 year sacramental prep program for children age 6-14. Classroom instruction, which is taught by trained catechists, takes place in a setting that provides all children with the love and care they need to have a positive learning environment with similar aged peers. The 2 year program covers the following topics: the introduction to the Bible and its key stories; various teachings of the Catholic Church; and the addition information specific to prepare them to understand and receive their sacraments, no matter if it is the Sacrament of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation. Classes run from last week of September to mid May on Thursday nights 6:30-7:45pm. For more information on Children's Religious Education or on its two year program format, please contact Natasha Ossa through the parish office.
Download Registration form for Religious Education here! sacramental_registration_form_2024-2025__4_.pdf
R.C.I.A Rite of Catholic Initiative for Adults.
The R.C.I.A, is a program for non-Catholics and Catholics. It is a combined program of catechesis presented in a simple style to both the new inquirer and Catholics wishing to renew and deepen their understanding of their faith.
We use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as the basic structure. Contact Marie Jerome through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Safe and responsible Ministry
The Diocese of Victoria wishes to ensure that the dignity of all persons is respected within our parishes and schools. This encompasses its programs and facilities, those we serve, particularly the young and the vulnerable as well as those who serve; clergy, religious, employees and volunteers in general. The Diocese, furthermore, upholds the fundamental good of all that God has created yet it recognizes the reality that within our humanity there is always the possibility of misconduct towards others. These policies are meant to assist the Church in responding with charity and justice.
At St. Peter's we have a Bereavement Committee who assists grieving families in planning and preparing for the funeral of their loved ones. For more information please contact the parish office at 250-753-3570, the bereavement ministry coordinator Kathy Fadum.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
This ministry assists to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful. They are Extraordinary Ministers as the Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a bishop, a priest or a deacon (c.f. Code of Canon Law, no. 910).
Training is required to become an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharistic. The theological foundation of the Liturgy and the "how-to’s" are explained. The volunteer candidates attend an initial training session. For more information contact the office at 250-753-3570.
Those involved in this ministry proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. They may also announce the intentions for the Prayers of the Faithful and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Psalm between the readings.
If you wish to know more about how to be part of this ministry, please speak with Marta Wright , through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Pastoral Health Care Ministry
Following the example of Jesus' own actions, the Christian community strives to break down barriers of isolation felt by those who are sick or dying, to include them as full members of the human community, and to provide hope of an ultimate healing of sin and death. The Church, Christ's body today, does this through visits to hospitals, continuing care and palliative care facilities, senior residences and homes.
The Ministry of Parish Care to the Sick offers sick and home bound parishioners opportunities to stay connected with the Parish and to grow as a Community in Christ through distributing Holy Communion to the sick, and leading Liturgies of the Word in assisted living facilities. If you wish to be a part of this ministry please contact Kathy Fadum, through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Pastoral Care to the Sick
If you know a parishioner who is sick or in need of pastoral visits, please make him/her aware of this service.
Our pastor is available to visit the sick in any hospital, assisted living home or private home. Our seriously sick parishioners may request the Sacrament of the Sick. Please contact the parish office for this at 250-753-3570.
Sacristans diligently arrange the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things that are necessary for the celebration of Mass. If you wish to know more about how to be part of this ministry, please contact the office at 250-753-3570
Altar Servers
This ministry is meant for service at the altar by assisting the priest and deacon. The service rendered by the Altar Server includes carrying the incense, the processional Cross, and the candles during the procession, holding the Roman Missal for the priest when needed, and preparing the altar during the Offertory.
If you wish to know more about how to be part of this ministry, please contact the office at 250-753-3570.
Children's Religious Education
St. Peter's Religious Education for Children help guide a child's spiritual growth as they prepare for their sacraments through a 2 year sacramental prep program for children age 6-14. Classroom instruction, which is taught by trained catechists, takes place in a setting that provides all children with the love and care they need to have a positive learning environment with similar aged peers. The 2 year program covers the following topics: the introduction to the Bible and its key stories; various teachings of the Catholic Church; and the addition information specific to prepare them to understand and receive their sacraments, no matter if it is the Sacrament of Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation. Classes run from last week of September to mid May on Thursday nights 6:30-7:45pm. For more information on Children's Religious Education or on its two year program format, please contact Natasha Ossa through the parish office.
Download Registration form for Religious Education here! sacramental_registration_form_2024-2025__4_.pdf
R.C.I.A Rite of Catholic Initiative for Adults.
The R.C.I.A, is a program for non-Catholics and Catholics. It is a combined program of catechesis presented in a simple style to both the new inquirer and Catholics wishing to renew and deepen their understanding of their faith.
We use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as the basic structure. Contact Marie Jerome through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Safe and responsible Ministry
The Diocese of Victoria wishes to ensure that the dignity of all persons is respected within our parishes and schools. This encompasses its programs and facilities, those we serve, particularly the young and the vulnerable as well as those who serve; clergy, religious, employees and volunteers in general. The Diocese, furthermore, upholds the fundamental good of all that God has created yet it recognizes the reality that within our humanity there is always the possibility of misconduct towards others. These policies are meant to assist the Church in responding with charity and justice.
Ministries Contact sheet
Children’s Religious Ed.- Contact Natasha Ossa through the parish office.
RCIA -Contact Marie Jerome, through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Eucharistic Ministers - Contact the office 250-753-3570
Lectors - Contact Marta Wright, through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Altar Servers - Contact the office 250-753-3570
Pastoral Health Care Ministry - Contact Kathy Fadum through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Bereavement Ministry - Contact Kathy Fadum, through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
RCIA -Contact Marie Jerome, through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Eucharistic Ministers - Contact the office 250-753-3570
Lectors - Contact Marta Wright, through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Altar Servers - Contact the office 250-753-3570
Pastoral Health Care Ministry - Contact Kathy Fadum through the parish office at 250-753-3570.
Bereavement Ministry - Contact Kathy Fadum, through the parish office at 250-753-3570.